December 16, 2015

'Coats for Clinton' drive collects donations for neighboring school

Now in its eighth year, the School of Natural Resources’ annual “Coats for Clinton” drive works to provide coats and winter gear to students of Clinton Elementary.

The school, located at 1520 N. 29th St., is a few blocks away from natural resources’ home building, Hardin Hall.

The 2015 drive differed from previous years. This year, the Lincoln Firefighters Association helped the 550 Clinton Elementary students stay warm by providing each with a new coat.

Instead of collecting coats, the School of Natural Resources gathered donations of boots and shoes for the students. Monetary donations were put toward both shows and a fundraiser to install a concrete path around Clinton Elementary School’s playground.

The 2015 drive resulted in two large bags filled with shoes, boots and coats; a box of books; and $800 in donations.

Dee Ebbeka, graphic design specialist and community engagement committee member, said that Clinton’s family care coordinator, Clare Nelson, wanted to convey her gratitude to SNR.

“She said they love the people of SNR and their concern for the children and parents of Clinton,” Ebbeka said. “She said she just had an issue that day with a boy and his shoes. Shoes seem to be an ongoing issue there.”

Individuals interested in making a winter gear or cash donation to Clinton Elementary can contact Clare Nelson at or 402-436-1132.