Comedian and former “Seinfeld” writer Pat Hazell will present the next Carson Lecture at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 25 in the Howell Theatre, located on the first floor of the Temple Building.
The event is free and open to the public, but a free ticket is required for entry. Reserve a free ticket at http://go.unl.edu/theatretix.
“We’re thrilled to welcome comedian, writer, producer, pop culture anthropologist and Nebraska native Pat Hazell as the Carson Lecture Series guest in September,” said Paul Steger, the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film director. “We welcome the opportunity for our students and the Lincoln community to learn about how Pat’s experiences were informed and shaped by Johnny Carson’s example and influence. We look forward to Pat’s interaction with our students and the continued success of the Carson Lecture Series.”
The biennial Carson Lecture Series has been created to celebrate the contributions of entertainment icon and UNL alumnus Johnny Carson.
“The Carson Lecture Series helps us celebrate Johnny’s contributions to the entertainment industry,” Steger said. “The series is the vehicle for students, faculty and the general public to gain a deeper understanding of the impact Johnny Carson has had and continues to have on the entertainment industry.”
Showtime declared Hazell one of the five funniest people in America. His 25 years of experience as a writer, performer and producer have made him the go-to guy for custom corporate entertainment. Originally from Omaha, Hazell is one of the original writers for NBC’s “Seinfeld,” a Tonight Show veteran, a critically acclaimed playwright and a contributing commentator to National Public Radio. He is recognized for his genuinely funny Americana humor and his salute to pop culture.
UNL has received more than $12 million in donations from Carson and the John W. Carson Foundation, including support for theatre, film and broadcasting.
The university’s Department of Theatre Arts was renamed the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film in 2005.
Previous Carson Lecturers have included Wil Shriner and Bob Uecker, as well as Tonight Show Writers Anthony DeSena, Darrell Vickers and Andrew Nicholls and Carson Entertainment Group president Jeff Sotzing.