A group of professional UNL advisers and staff have created the Academic Advising Association. The group provides the campus advising community with opportunities to network, share and implement best practices, enhance professional development opportunities, and increase collaboration between colleges and departments.
The executive committee of the Academic Advising Association is co-sponsoring a campuswide conference with the Office of Academic Affairs on Feb. 27. The conference is designed to bring together campus professionals to dialogue and learn about ways to enhance advising and engage students.
The Academic Advising Association will also host a workshop with Career Services in the spring semester. The workshop will feature information on understanding career assessments in academic advising and how to begin a peer-mentoring program.
Additional details about the conference and workshop will be announced.
The association hosted academic advising activities during the fall semester. Those events included a Chinese name pronunciation workshop, a campus threat assessment team luncheon, brown-bag luncheons for professional development and multiple social opportunities.
The association will offer general membership meetings from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Jan. 28 and March 19 in the Nebraska Union (room posted).
Participation in the group is open to anyone in the campus community interested in advising students. For more information, or to get involved, go to http://aaa.unl.edu or contact Tony Lazarowicz at tlazarowicz2@unl.edu or Erin Burnette at eburnette1@unl.edu.