Barbara Woodhead has been appointed permanent director of Services for Students with Disabilities. Previously interim director, Woodhead transitions into this role having already made a significant impact on both the department and students’ academic and personal success in college.
“Equity in education is not foundationally new, but it has become more complex,” Woodhead said. “I look forward to advancing SSD’s mission to ensure that qualified students with disabilities are able to participate in university programs. The motivation goes beyond compliance and barrier removal. If we do our work well, I believe the university experiences of all campus stakeholders are enhanced by the participation of students with disabilities.”
Services for Students with Disabilities provides services to ensure that no qualified student with a disability will be excluded from participating in any university program or activity, denied the benefits of any university program or activity or otherwise subjected to discrimination with regard to any university program or activity. Currently, Woodhead leads the team with a focus on innovation and creativity to help eliminate barriers to access and success for students.
“Barbara has passionately served our students for over 30 years by facilitating equal and integrated access to academic, social, cultural, and recreational programs,” said Dee Dee Anderson, vice chancellor for student affairs. “Having served on both state and regional boards, Barbara is a known leader in the field of disability services. She will continue to be an asset to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, the Division of Student Affairs and our students.”