October 20, 2013

UNL Combined Campaign opens Oct. 22

UNL Combined Campaign "Big Impact" logo

UNL is again aiming to make a positive difference by participating in the Lincoln-area Combined Campaign for Health and Human Services, Oct. 22 to Nov. 1. The theme is “Big Impact — Go Big, Give Big.”

The Combined Campaign is an annual community pledge drive that benefits three federations — Community Health Charities of Nebraska, Community Services Fund and United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County. The three federations represent more than 110 local agencies that assist members of the community.

“The UNL Combined Campaign is an opportunity to demonstrate a solid sense of commitment to our community,” Chancellor Harvey Perlman said. “Your gift is important to send a unified message of support from the entire university to the community as a whole.”

Combined Campaign pledge materials are being delivered to UNL employees this week. Pledges can be made online or by turning in pledge cards. Employees may give to any specific agency or to the three general funds. A variety of giving options are offered.

Shawn Eichorst, director of athletics, is the 2014 UNL Combined Campaign Chair.

“Every year we have a shared opportunity and responsibility to make Nebraska and the world a better place through the UNL Combined Campaign,” Eichorst said. “The Combined Campaign not only helps those who need assistance but also supports the very foundations of the local organizations that serve our community.”

UNL’s goal is to raise $425,000. Eichorst hopes 100 percent of UNL faculty and staff participate in the campaign.

“There are so many in need of help and dozens of great causes supported by the campaign. Please join me in demonstrating our collective caring about our wonderful community,” Eichorst said. “This is our opportunity to show the world that there really is no place like Nebraska.”

To date, UNL employees have contributed more than $6 million to the campaign.

Examples of gift impacts include:

  • A $10 donation provides food and one night’s stay for a resident at a domestic violence shelter.

  • A $20 donation can purchase classroom supplies to help children reach learning milestones.

  • A $50 donation can cover three days of food, housing and comfort supplies for a family of three.

  • A $100 donation can feed a dozen families for one week.

For more information about the 2014 UNL Combined Campaign for Health and Human Services, go to http://go.unl.edu/gyx.

United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County 2011 Campaign Video
Chancellor Harvey Perlman
Chancellor Harvey Perlman
Shawn Eichorst, director of athletics and chair of the 2014 UNL Combined Campaign
Shawn Eichorst, director of athletics and chair of the 2014 UNL Combined Campaign