June 6, 2023

University Police seeking input on campus safety

A university police vehicle sits in front of the UNLPD station.
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln Police Department is inviting UNL students, faculty and staff to take the University Community Survey on Perceptions of Policing and Engagement. The survey will take only a few minutes to complete, and results are confidential.

The goal of the survey is to gather input from students, faculty and staff on campus safety and their interactions with the UNL Police Department. In line with UNL’s principle of “Every person and every interaction matters,” the survey is intended to inform UNLPD how perceptions of safety on campus and interactions with the department differ across our community. The survey is also intended to aid UNLPD in determining where it may need to increase its campus education and awareness efforts.

Completing the survey will help guide UNLPD in how to best serve UNL’s diverse community and to fulfill its mission of providing a safe and secure environment at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The survey is currently scheduled to close on or around June 14, 2023.

For more information about the survey, contact Capt. John Backer at john.backer@unl.edu.