On campus, Christine Trinh — a pre-law, economics and political science major from Lincoln, Nebraska — has sought out leadership opportunities, leveraged mentors and formed connections that will last well past graduation.
Talk about why you applied to Nebraska. Was there a specific moment, or someone or something that pushed you to apply and enroll?
Being born and raised in Lincoln, applying to Nebraska was a given. I think the moment I knew I made the right decision choosing to attend UNL, however, was during my NSE Orientation. During my NSE, my OL pulled me aside and told me to apply to FCLA (Freshman Campus Leaders Associates) in ASUN because she thought I would be a good fit. I didn’t really know the importance of the organization at the time, but I strangely felt passionate enough to make it a mission to be selected. One thing led to another, and I am now serving as Student Body Vice President my senior year and alongside the best of friends I met in FCLA our freshman year.
Where does your passion for involvement come from?
I love Lincoln. I’ve had the opportunity to live in amazing places like San Francisco and Chicago, but there’s really nothing like the Lincoln community. I think this keenness for Lincoln is rooted in my passion for politics and government since my freshman year of high school. In the midst of starting a new school came the cutthroat 2016 presidential election. I quickly found solace in the whirlwind of the election, and more importantly, became more confident in being a woman after seeing some of the most powerful candidates take on the campaign trail. Taking up an interest in government, I did what I could to become more civically engaged with Lincoln.
How have your involvement experiences (like serving your fellow students through ASUN or being a member of Innocents society and Gamma Phi Beta) shaped your college experience?
ASUN, Innocents and Gamma Phi Beta has allowed me to interact with so many different communities across campus. I often find myself searching for Gamma Phi’s four core values in my daily life; if Love, Labor, Learning and Loyalty could bring together hundreds of unique women, I’d never feel alone on campus if I focused on the same sentiments. What I assumed to be a difficult task turned out to be more eye-opening and intellectually invigorating than anything. Becoming a Husker is the best decision I have ever made.
Who or what inspires/motivates you?
Grace McCutcheon and Katie Tran are the ultimate powerhouse girl bosses. They are selfless, motivated and are the walking embodiment of what it means to be a Husker. Grace has shown me how to overcome hardships and how to stay resilient when the world seems to be spiraling. Katie has taught me how to be confident in myself, and loyal to who I am. These two have had such a powerful impact on my life, despite only having known them for three years. No words can describe how thankful I am to have such empowering friends in my life.
What’s something you love about being a Husker that can’t be captured on camera?
The Innocents Society is the Chancellor’s Senior Honorary at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Founded on April 24, 1903, and uniquely Nebraskan, the Society has been leading the campus in all aspects and promoting school spirit for more than 100 years. We will be watching.
Is there someone who has impacted your time at Nebraska?
Professor Ann Mari May changed my perspective on economics. Her classes force you to think critically and realistically about the world; I always feel rejuvenated leaving her class for the day. She’s also a powerhouse of a woman and I look up to her a lot.
What is one piece of advice you would give to a Husker who wants to get involved?
Always say yes to group projects, campus events, and all other ways to get involved. You’ll meet the coolest people you may never interact normally with, but surprisingly enough, they’ll become your best friends.
What do you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
Mentorship matters a lot to me. I am eternally grateful for the mentors I have had, and realize that I would not be successful or have accomplished what I have without their support and guidance. I can only hope I am able to become a mentor for someone just like how those have done for me.