April 17, 2019

Student Involvement honors 13 Husker-led projects, leaders

The 2019 Student Impact Awards, sponsored by Student Involvement, honored 13 projects led by recognized student organizations and their leaders.
Mike Jackson | Student Involvement

Mike Jackson | Student Involvement
The 2019 Student Impact Awards, sponsored by Student Involvement, honored 13 projects led by recognized student organizations and their leaders.

From an inclusive homecoming dance to food drive for a campus pantry, student-led work at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln was celebrated during the Student Impact Awards on April 11.

Organized by Student Involvement, the annual awards recognize outstanding student organizations, programs, officers, members and advisers. Thirteen awards were presented — seven to student organizations and six to individuals/leaders.

Student Impact Awards

For the second year in a row, the university’s Public Relations Student Society of America was named Outstanding Student Organization. The honor was supported by Student Impact Awards for philanthropy and diversity and inclusion.

For work organizing a Scare Off Hunger donation drive for the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry+, which provides food and sanitary items to students for free, the public relations group received the Student Organization Philanthropy/Service Award. The drive gathered more than 600 items to the student pantry.

The group also earned the Diversity and Inclusion Award for a campaign focused on creating awareness about the need for diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The best student-centric program offered by a recognized student organization was Spectrum UNL’s Rainbow Ball. The event, offered Sept. 28, was the university’s first LGBTQA+ inclusive homecoming dance. The concept had been asked for by students for a number of years.

To organize the event, Spectrum UNL worked with other LGBTQA+ organizations on campus. Participating groups included the LGTBQA+. Resource Center, Change, oSTEM @ Nebraska, and TRANSform.

With assistance from across the university, Spectrum UNL spent less than $500 to make the evening possible.

The complete list of 2019 Student Impact awards presented April 11 is below. Learn more about RSOs and Student Involvement.

2019 Student Impact Awards

  • Outstanding New Student Organization — Agricultural Leadership Shields

  • Student Organization Sustainability Award — E-Week with Engineering Student Advisory Board

  • Outstanding Student Organization Member — Lindsey Jarema, oSTEM @ Nebraska

  • Outstanding Student Organization Officer — Sinclaire Miramontez, Student Athlete Advisory Committee

  • Student Organization Philanthropy and Service Award — Scare Off Hunger with Public Relations Student Society of America

  • Diversity and Inclusion Award — Public Relations Society of America

  • Outstanding New Adviser — Katie Brock, Student Alumni Association

  • Outstanding Adviser — Shirpat Kamble, India Students Association

  • Outstanding Commitment to Recruitment — Engineering Student Advisory Board

  • Outstanding President — Grace Mosier, Student Alumni Association

  • Program of the Year — Rainbow Ball hosted by Spectrum UNL

  • Student Leadership Award — Tamayo Zhou

  • Outstanding Student Organization — Public Relations Student Society of America