January 30, 2024

Student experience remains a strength at Nebraska U

"Year in Student Stories: Looking back at 2023" graphic featuring student photos from the previous year. Overall, University Communication and Marketing released 178 student experience stories; 126 hands on learning stories; 48 national impact stories about Huskers; 30 student internship stories; and 17 student research stories.
Kristen Labadie | University Communication and Marketing

Kristen Labadie | University Communication and Marketing

As Huskers settle into the routine of a new semester, Nebraska Today is taking a final look back at the student experience in 2023.

Through the year, the University Communication and Marketing team highlighted more than 175 student stories, exploring their positive impacts in academics, research, extracurricular activities and community involvement. Of that total, 126 featured hands-on learning; 48 highlighted national impacts made by Huskers; 30 explored student internship experiences; and 17 dove into student research projects.

Most of these features published in Nebraska Today and are available together here. Readers can find additional student-focused content via UNL channels on Medium, Exposure, Instagram, and YouTube.

And if you missed our other 2023 year-in-review content, check out the links to the right.

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