August 8, 2017

Street changes add new twists to student move-in

Erin Hunter tries to keep everything balanced as her parents help during the 2016 move-in to Nebraska residence halls.
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication
Erin Hunter tries to keep everything balanced as her parents help during the 2016 move-in to Nebraska residence halls. More than 6,000 students will move into campus residence halls during the week of Aug. 14.

Changes to university roadways will be among the first lessons learned as students return for the start of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s 2017 fall semester.

A summer construction project has permanently shifted City Campus traffic patterns and expanded bike commute options on stretches of 16th, 17th and Vine streets. The work transitioned 16th Street (between Q and X streets) from three lanes of one-way southbound traffic to two-way traffic, with one-lane southbound and another northbound; reduced 17th Street to a single lane of northbound traffic between R and Vine streets; and replaced multiple traffic signals in the area with stop signs. Learn more about this project.

“This is certainly a change that people need to be aware of as they navigate campus,” said Jennifer Dam, director of planning and space management. “As students return, we ask for continued vigilance and patience as drivers and pedestrians continue to adjust to these new roadways.”

>> Access a map outlining traffic flow changes on City Campus.

Nebraska’s annual student move-in coupled with roadway changes and ongoing construction are expected to cause traffic delays starting Aug. 13. Most students will move into residence halls on Aug. 17 and 18. Early arrivals such as those in sororities, the Cornhusker Marching Band and Nebraska’s ROTC program will begin moving in on Aug. 13.

City Campus Traffic flow changes_v5.pdf Traffic flow changes on City Campus, summer 2017


Facilities Planning and Construction

To assist the more than 6,000 students moving into campus residence halls, University Housing will offer temporary unloading zones along 16th and 17th streets. These areas include:

  • The Courtyards, west lanes along 17th Street, immediately south of Vine Street;

  • Neihardt Hall, on the east side of 16th Street in front of the hall; students are asked to approach the loading zone from the south in the newly created northbound lane; and

  • Abel-Sandoz halls, east lane of 17th Street.

Unloading at other residence halls — including the new Massengale Residence Center on East Campus — will be available in nearby parking lots. Student volunteers, parking workers and university police officers will be on hand at each site to assist and answer questions.

Students and parents have been advised to use drop-off, move-in parking near their assigned residence halls, and to visit the University Housing website for the latest information on assigned parking. The special move-in zones are limited to 30 minutes of parking; after that, vehicles are required to move to other parking locations.

A “move-in” Guidebook app is downloadable to smartphones or tablets. The mobile application has information including maps (GPS-based), contact information and more about arriving at the university.

The fall 2017 semester at Nebraska begins Aug. 21.