May 10, 2019

Ronning's Nebraska Lecture available online

Video: "Willa Cather on Campus" Nebraska Lecture

The May 7 Nebraska Lecture by Kari Ronning is available for viewing online.

Kari Ronning

The lecture, “Willa Cather on Campus,” draws on scholarly research, student newspaper archives and Cather’s own words to illustrate life on campus during a university growth spurt. It also examines how Cather’s time at the University of Nebraska was pivotal for the author. The talk includes a multimedia presentation of historical photos of the campus and the people, as well as Cather’s writings from her university years.

Ronning is editor of the Willa Cather Scholarly Edition and research associate professor of English. Her talk was the fifth in the year-long Nebraska Lectures: Chancellor’s Distinguished Speaker Series. Normally offered twice a year, the series is featuring a historic topic each month as part of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s celebration of its 150th year.

Learn more about the Nebraska Lecture series.