April 1, 2020

Options available for Huskers inspired to give back

Magnolia blooms near Mueller Tower on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln's City Campus. Huskers seeking to give hope by giving back to the campus and greater-Lincoln community have a variety of options.
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication
Magnolia blooms near Mueller Tower on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln's City Campus. Huskers seeking to give hope by giving back to the campus and greater-Lincoln community have a variety of options.

From University of Nebraska Foundation funds to the community blood bank, Huskers looking to give back to others affected by COVID-19 have a variety of options.

To directly benefit University of Nebraska–Lincoln students, monetary gifts can be given to a trio of NU Foundation funds. Those funds and purpose include:

  • UNL Student Hardship Fund — Supports students facing sudden hardships due to a crisis, including food insecurity, natural disaster, financial emergency, home displacement or the current pandemic.

  • UNL Food Pantry Fund — This fund directly supports the Husker Pantry, which provides food items and toiletry options to students at no cost. The pantry is currently closed due to the pandemic, but will need to replenish its stores when it reopens.

  • UNL Student Care and Well-Being Fund — This fund is the most broad, providing funds directly to students for personal care and general well-being.

Faculty and staff looking to assist fellow employees can donate vacation leave to the university’s crisis leave bank. Additionally, all vacation time to be earned by employees at the 280-hour limit — which normally is lost if not used — will be added to the crisis leave bank.

Learn more about the crisis leave program.

In the greater Lincoln community, students, faculty and staff have additional options to make a positive impact. Those opportunities include: