The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is seeking assistance from all Huskers willing to sew and donate cloth masks for employees who conduct essential services, including those who continue to support students living on campus.
The call is due to a national shortage of masks for health care providers and essential staff. While the university continues to work to procure masks from national vendors, distribution of cloth masks will allow essential campus employees to continue to safely serve the needs of the campus community.
The goal is to collect nearly 2,000 cloth masks, allowing each of the more than 950 employee to have at least two masks.
Information for Huskers willing to provide homemade masks is below.
Mask Types — Any style of mask is acceptable. The university asks that 100 percent cotton, pre-washed material is used and that each mask is washed with bleach to sanitize prior to donation.
Drop off available — Masks can be dropped off at the University Suites front desk, 1780 R St.
Arrange a pickup of your donations — Individuals who make masks and would like to donate them to the university can arrange a pick-up by sending email to vriepe2@unl.edu.