Nebraska alumnus Jacob Johnson has been named an assistant vice chancellor for student affairs. He started working in the new role Jan. 22.
As a member of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s student affairs senior team, Johnson leads student conduct and community standards, academic integrity, student well-being, and student conduct adjudication. His primary roles include:
Overseeing the development, dissemination and implementation of the student code of conduct to ensure that it meets all current national standards and is consistent with university community standards.
Working with faculty and students to develop and implement universitywide policies, procedures, training and education related to student conduct and community standards.
Leading the development and implementation of a student care network to assist students, faculty and staff seeking information, guidance and support for a range of student related health, behavioral and personal issues.
“We’re really eager to have Jake back on campus. The university is fortunate to be able to attract someone with his experience to lead our new focus on conduct, community standards, and care,” said Laurie Bellows, interim vice chancellor for student affairs. “He’ll provide excellent leadership for this strategic priority.”
Previously at Idaho State University, Johnson led an interdisciplinary team of professionals dedicated to assessing student concerns and planning successful interventions. In addition, he coordinated campuswide educational programming to develop awareness of community standards.
Johnson has a broad background in student affairs; he has experience in undergraduate admissions, fraternity and sorority life, residence hall management, assessment, leadership engagement, student involvement and community collaborations.
Johnson earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and interpersonal communication from Southern Utah University and a master’s in educational administration and doctorate in leadership education from Nebraska. In December, he completed all requirements for the Juris Doctor degree at the University of Idaho.