January 4, 2023

Hit refresh button in January

5 things to do

January offers a variety of ways to get the semester started off on a productive note.

Between the cold weather, the start of a new semester and getting out of “winter break mode”, January can sometimes feel like a bit of a drag. The good news? We’ve put together a list of simple, easy things you can do this month that can help you get back into the swing of things and ready to start the semester off right.

Donate clothing to the Career Closet and Lavender Closet

Returning home for the holidays is a great time to reassess all those great clothes that you forgot you still owned. When doing so, see which ones you could donate on campus. The Career Closet, located in the College of Business, is always looking for gently used professional and dress attire donations, while the Lavender Closet, located in the LGBTQA+ Resource Center, accepts a wide variety of different clothing styles and accessories.

Check their websites for donation details and take some time to give back to fellow Huskers.

Will Jackson, senior in psychology from Waverly, sorts donations at the resource center.
Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing
Donations are sorted for the Lavender Closet.
Attend MLK Week events

There are so many ways to participate and engage with UNL’s Martin Luther King Jr. Week, organized and held by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King. MLK Week 2023 is Jan. 23-28, with a Commemorative banquet planned for 6 p.m., Jan. 25 in the Centennial Room of Nebraska Union. Olympic Gold medalist and civil rights icon Tommie Smith will be speaking at the commemorative event on the 25th, which requires online RSVP, but a huge number of events are held across the week.

Additional events include opportunities for community service in Lincoln and a special Dish It Up. The activities begin with a youth rally at 10 a.m. Jan. 16 at Nebraska Union. Check the MLK Week website for more information.

Register your RSO for Glow Big Red

With the annual Glow Big Red fundraiser taking place Feb.15-16, Registered Student Organizations and other student groups have the opportunity to receive donations from this huge donation drive. Be on the lookout for applications to go live before Feb. 15, and be ready to register your group.

Photo by Justin Mohling, University Communication
Justin Mohling | University Communication and Marketing
Glow Big Red is Feb. 15-16.
Schedule a meeting with your adviser

Touching base with your academic adviser is a great, proactive way to start the semester off organized and get yourself thinking ahead about what you need to accomplish. If you need other ways to get your semester started strong, check out this helpful list of tips and ideas.

See a show or movie

The winter weather may make outdoor activities less attractive to many, but it’s a great time to hunker down for an excellent movie or performance at one of our amazing on-campus theater venues. Check out the list of upcoming movies and performances at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center and Lied Center for Performing Arts to see what’s showing.