March 15, 2017

Harvard's Forsyth to speak on creating healthy spaces

Ann Forsyth

Ann Forsyth

The College of Architecture presents Ann Forsyth, professor of urban planning at Harvard University, as the next Hyde speaker. Forsyth will be giving a lecture, “Creating Healthy Places: Evidence-based Practice in a Post-truth World,” from 4 to 5 p.m. March 15 in Richards Hall, Room 15.

Forsyth will attempt to help attendees of this lecture to clarify information on neighborhood health and wellness decision-making and proposal creation.

While there is a great deal of research on the two connections, knowing how to apply it to a specific place can be difficult. Some research is highly specific and for other topics there is an absence of research.

In a world of information overload, dirty big data and fake news, professionals and the public are navigating a complex and confusing information landscape. Forsyth will outline how to bridge this information gap with synthetization and adaptation of research findings and propose how to make informed decisions using a robust process.

Trained in planning and architecture, Forsyth works mainly on the social aspects of physical planning and urban development. The major focus behind her research and practice is how to make more sustainable and healthy cities. Forsyth’s contributions have been her analyzation of planned alternatives to sprawl, particularly exploring the tensions between social and ecological values in urban design.

For questions, email Kerry McCullough-Vondrak at