April 14, 2023

Group experiences explored in April 27 #NCLUDE session

An Office of Enterprise CRM has been created to help support the expanded role of the university’s Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) technology across campus for student recruitment, retention, and communications.

The Nebraska Community of Learners — Understanding Diversity through Education will offer a universitywide #NCLUDE session 9 to 10:30 a.m. April 27 in the Nebraska Union’s Regency Suite.

The “Digging Deeper with #NCLUDE” session — the final of the 2022-23 academic year — will feature and interactive session celebrating the completion of the first cohort of 12 #NCLUDE small learning groups. Participants will hear personal impact stories, engage in small and large group activities, and share ideas for future learning groups. Chancellor Ronnie Green is scheduled to attend and provide remarks.

The session is free and open to the campus community. Registration, which closes April 24, is available online.

“This is an opportunity for us to build community around issues that are important to each of us,” said Jennifer PeeksMease, assistant vice chancellor for inclusive leadership and learning. “The April meeting offers an opportunity for members of our community to help grow our community and shape our next semester of #NCLUDE small groups.”

The #NCLUDE learning groups offer a space to talk candidly about inclusive excellence as a part of everyday interactions. The small groups develop relationships in concentrated areas of introspection over a semester to help students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the larger community identify opportunities to create a greater sense of inclusion. For more information about #NCLUDE, including how to join a learning group, click here.