To ensure students have reliable internet access while away from campus, Nebraska Information Technology Services has made 1,000 mobile WiFi hotspot devices available for students to check out before they depart at the end of the fall semester.
The mobile WiFi, or MiFi, devices are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no charge to students for the device, network connection or data used. Students can check out a device for the entire time they are away from campus, up through the end of the spring semester.
Those interested must request a device online and designate a pick-up date. Students should pick up their device from the Huskertech Help Center in Love Library South, Room 31.
Technical specifications for the MiFi devices are as follows:
Operates only on T-Mobile/Sprint’s LTE network
Data speeds of up to 4G per second
Domestic and international roaming is not included
Students can use up to 50GB per month before their data is de-prioritized when the network is experiencing congestion.
For answers to other questions, contact Information Technology Services.