Following an internal search, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln will interview two finalists for associate vice chancellor for faculty affairs. The announcement was made Nov. 10 by Executive Vice Chancellor Katherine Ankerson.
Sophia Perdikaris, director and Happold Professor, School of Global Integrative Studies, will interview Nov. 20
Christopher Marks, associate dean, Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, and professor, Glenn Korff School of Music, will interview Nov. 21
Perdikaris and Marks will meet with the search committee, administrators, EVC Office staff, and representatives of the Faculty Senate.
The associate vice chancellor reports directly to the Executive Vice Chancellor, is a key member of her leadership team, and provides leadership on activities, initiatives, and policies that support faculty careers, enhance faculty productivity, recognize faculty excellence, cultivate academic leadership, promote an inclusive campus climate, and define faculty rights and responsibilities on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln campus.
Through close collaboration and partnership with the colleges and departments and key campus partners, the associate vice chancellor advances the university’s strategic goals, including leadership and coordination on faculty recruitment and hiring, orientation and development, promotion and tenure, and recognition. The associate vice chancellor provides support to deans, chairs, heads and directors through consultation on faculty personnel and policy issues, and facilitates the resolution of academic and professional conduct concerns. The associate vice chancellor leads efforts to enhance faculty excellence and morale by assessing campus needs and developing new initiatives.
Earlier this fall, Judy Walker announced that she would step down after seven years in the position to return to her faculty role in the Department of Mathematics.
Shari Veil, dean and professor, College of Journalism and Mass Communication, chairs the search committee.