June 1, 2020

Chancellor Green: ‘Racism in any form is wrong and has no place in our lives’

Nebraska students hand out “Hate Will Never Win” T-shirts in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center before a campus rally in February 2018.
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication
Nebraska students hand out “Hate Will Never Win” T-shirts in the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center before a campus rally in February 2018

Editor’s Note — Chancellor Ronnie Green was among higher education leaders who responded to the national protests spurred by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The chancellor’s message, which is below, was released May 30 via his Twitter account to connect immediately with students, faculty, staff and the broader community.

Chancellor Ronnie Green delivers his third State of the University address on Jan. 15. The speech examined the university's 150-year history and charted a course to 2025 and beyond.
Craig Chandler | University Communication
Chancellor Ronnie Green

Jane and I are sickened by the horrific injustice in Minneapolis, and the other forms of injustice that we know we don’t see first-hand. Our hearts ache for the senseless loss of George Floyd and his family — and too many others.

Racism in any form is wrong and has no place in our lives, our communities, or institutions. Yet it remains.

Those of us entrusted to leading institutions must stay committed to truly listening, truly learning and to understanding our own bias. We need to encourage honest conversations, big and small, that can help bridge this divide and address deeply embedded histories of exclusion.

I hope and continue to believe that higher education, particularly institutions focused on access, can play a positive role in these conversations.

Review the chancellor’s message and responses it received on Twitter.