July 17, 2018

Chancellor Green hits the road to tout university impacts

.Spectators at the Fillmore County Fair talk with Chancellor Ronnie Green during his June 13 trip to three counties in southeastern Nebraska.
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication
Spectators at the Fillmore County Fair talk with Chancellor Ronnie Green during his June 13 trip to three counties in southeastern Nebraska.

Chancellor Ronnie Green took a road trip through southeastern Nebraska on July 13, speaking with residents of Fillmore, Gage and Jefferson counties.

During the trip, Green discussed his high hopes for the 2018-19 academic year, the university’s upcoming 150th anniversary celebration, and how the University of Nebraska-Lincoln directly serves communities across the state.

“It’s a priority for us to be out in the state, telling the story of the university and also listening to people about the university as well,” Green said during an interview at Beatrice radio station KWBE. “Between now and State Fair time in August, we’ll be out across the state visiting 25 to 30 communities. It’s a big part of what we do.”

Great to be visiting Nebraskans today in Beatrice, Geneva, and Fairbury in conversations about their University’s momentum and impact as we are approaching our record-breaking 150th anniversary year as a world-leading Land Grant engaged research university. https://t.co/Zlp3EU4NTw

— Ronnie D. Green (@RonnieDGreen) July 13, 2018

Nebraska is one of the fastest-growing research universities in America, with 2017 being its third straight year of record enrollment, Green said. And, he added, he believes Nebraska is on track for a fourth record-setting year. Nebraska’s enrollment currently includes nearly 225 undergraduate students from Gage, Fillmore and Jefferson Counties, with 41 new freshmen currently enrolled for 2018-19.

Green’s stops included the Fillmore County Fair in Geneva, where he watched the 4-H Livestock Auction and chatted with students, potential students and their families. At the Jefferson County Fair, Green ate a prime rib sandwich supper during an event sponsored by the Thayer County Feeders, and talked with fairgoers awaiting races at the Jefferson County Speedway.

Chancellor Ronnie Green watches an event at the Jefferson County Fair in Fairbury on July 13.
Craig Chandler | University Communication
Chancellor Ronnie Green watches an event at the Jefferson County Fair in Fairbury on July 13.

Along with his appearance on KWBE’s “Beatrice Today” program, Green was interviewed by the Beatrice Daily Sun, the Nebraska Signal in Geneva, the Fairbury Journal-News and Ol’ Red 99.5 radio in Fairbury.

A treat to have chancellor Ronnie Green at our fair today! @RonnieDGreen #unl #NebExt pic.twitter.com/aprWcq9AwN

— Brandy VanDeWalle (@bvandewalle2) July 14, 2018