Applications are sought for five faculty members to represent the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in the 2019-20 Academic Leadership Program, an initiative of the Big Ten Academic Alliance.
Established in 1989, the program develops the academic leadership and managerial skills of nominated faculty who have demonstrated exceptional ability and academic promise. The program addresses the challenges of academic administration at major research universities, while helping faculty members prepare to meet those challenges.
Fellows will attend their first seminar Oct. 3-5 at Michigan State University, followed by one Feb. 6-8, 2020, at the University of Maryland, and a third seminar April 2-4, 2020, at Ohio State University. Fellows will also participate in conversations on campus throughout the academic year with members of the campus leadership team. Learn more about the seminar dates and past Nebraska fellows.
Faculty interested in applying should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and brief letter of support from their department chair or dean to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor at executivevcoffice@unl.edu. The deadline for applications is March 14.