Recent honors collected by the UNL community include recognition for faculty/staff Leilani Arthurs, Carolyn Barber, Steven Barlow, Greg Clayton, Kathy Krone, Glenn Niermann, William Shomos and Robert Woody; doctoral candidate Kaitlin Phillips; and alumnus Paul Schrodt. Read on for more information about each award.
Leilani Arthurs, assistant professor of earth and atmospheric sciences, has been elected a councilor-at-large for the National Association of Geoscience Teachers. Arthurs will serve a one-year appointment with the association, which works to raise the quality of geosciences education from kindergarten through the collegiate ranks.
Steven Barlow, professor of special education and communication disorders, received the Honors of Association award from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The award recognizes members of the association for their distinguished contributions to the discipline of communication sciences and disorders. Barlow’s neurobiology research has included advances in the feeding of premature infants that has facilitated overall brain development and long-term behavioral and learning outcomes. This work has led to new FDA-approved therapeutic applications for preterm infants. The award was presented during the association’s annual convention, held the weekend of Nov. 14 in Denver. For more information on the honor, click here.
Greg Clayton, director of benefits and management, received the Midwestern Higher Education Compact’s Outstanding Service Award on Nov. 16 during the commission’s annual meeting in Chicago. The award recognized Clayton for providing exemplary leadership, committing to the compact’s principles, securing participation in the compact’s programs and services, and increasing visibility for the organization. Clayton was nominated by fellow colleagues for contributions to MHEC’s master property insurance program.
Kathy Krone, professor of communication studies, has received the Charles H. Woolbert Research Award from the National Communication Association. The award is given annually to honor scholars whose journal article or book chapter that has stood the test of time and has become a stimulus for new conceptualizations of communication phenomena. It recognizes Krone’s work with a colleague on the article, “The Policy Exists But You Can’t Really Use It,” published in the Journal of Applied Communication Research, 30 (2002, pages 50-77). Krone received the honor during the NCA’s annual convention, held Nov. 19-22 in Las Vegas.
Glenn Niermann, Carolyn Barber, Robert Woody and William Shomos have been appointed to endowed posts within the Glenn Korff School of Music. The appointments, effective this semester, are: Niermann, Glenn Korff Chair of Music; Barber, Ron and Carol Cope Professor of Music; Woody, Steinhart Foundation Distinguished Professor of Music; and Shomos**, Richard H. Larson Distinguished Professor of Music. For more information, click here.
Kaitlin Phillips, a doctoral candidate in communication studies, and Paul Schrodt, an alumnus who earned a doctorate in 2003, earned a Top Paper award at the National Communication Association’s annual meeting, held Nov. 20 in Las Vegas. The honor was in the association’s Family Communication Division for the paper, “Self-Disclosure and Relational Uncertainty as Mediators of Family Communication Patterns and Relational Outcomes in Sibling Relationships.”
This column is a regular feature of UNL Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit their achievements to be considered for this column via email to For more information, call 402-472-8515.