April 24, 2023

9 Husker researchers named NSRI fellows

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Nine University of Nebraska–Lincoln researchers have been selected to amplify the national security missions of the Department of Defense and other federal agencies.

The researchers are among a cohort of 21 fellows joining the National Strategic Research Institute at the University of Nebraska. The institute is a University-affiliated research center designated by the Department of Defense and sponsored by U.S. Strategic Command.

More than 140 researchers from across the NU system serve as NSRI fellows, contributing their expertise, talent and foresight to form multidisciplinary teams that develop solutions for complex problems.

“NSRI Fellows bring forward expertise and enthusiasm to contribute solutions to our primary DOD mission areas — strategic deterrence and countering weapons of mass destruction,” said Joshua Santarpia, NSRI fellows program director and science and technology adviser. “While NSRI serves as a trusted resource and guide, NSRI fellows build the capacity of the four campuses and our institute to deliver. They help ensure we can meet our commitment and our mission.”

Nominated by their peers, confirmed by campus research offices and appointed by NSRI leadership, the full 2023 cohort of fellows offers a broad range of expertise that can be applied to challenges within warfighter safety, joint electromagnetic spectrum operations and NSRI’s recently launched focus area — food, agriculture and environment security.

Researchers from UNL named 2023 NSRI fellows and their area of expertise are:

  • Scott Barrett, psychology;

  • Byron Chaves-Elizondo, food science and technology;

  • Loren Giesler, plant pathology;

  • Matt Hille, veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences;

  • Jerry Hudgins, electrical and computer engineering;

  • Srivatsan Kidambi, chemical and biomolecular engineering;

  • Yongfeng Lu, electrical and computer engineering;

  • Eric Weaver, virology; and

  • Richard Wilson, plant pathology.

For the complete list of all fellows from across the NU system, click here.

The nomination process for new fellows will begin Nov. 1. Learn more about the fellows program [here}(https://nsri.nebraska.edu/fellows).

National Strategic Research Institute, NSRI, NSRI fellows, Scott Barrett, psychology, Arts and Sciences, food science and technology, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Loren Giesler, plant pathology, Matt Hille, veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences, Jerry Hudgins, electrical and computer engineering, Engineering, chemical and biomolecular engineering, Eric Weaver, Srivatsan Kidambi, Yongfeng Lu, virology, Richard Wilson, faculty, research