Livestock Marketing

Nebraska is known as the Beef State, with beef production foundational to Nebraska’s agricultural economy. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln provides research-based information and resources to producers to help them provide an economical, safe, quality product to consumers while protecting the state’s precious natural resources.

Exten Educator
NE Ext Engagement Zone 1
Nebraska Extension Beef Specialist and BeefWatch Host
NE Ext Engagement Zone 1


Berger is an extension educator in the southern Nebraska Panhandle. He focuses on beef production systems, range management and forage production. He uses a systems approach to problem solving and decision making in his work with clients. His objective is to deliver research-based information and learning experiences to help clients meet their goals.
Department Head
Agricultural Economics
Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics


An agricultural economist, Brooks’ research interests include livestock production economics, agricultural marketing and risk management, price analysis and consumer food preferences. Her interests and experiences span throughout the livestock industry, with her research dealing in large part with meat and livestock economics. Though she is frequently quoted on her observations about cattle markets and beef prices, she also has done work on pork production issues and study consumer preferences relating to animal cloning and fat-injected steaks.
Assoc Professor
Agricultural Economics


Elliott Dennis is an assistant professor and the current iivestock marketing specialist in the Department of Agricultural Economics. He writes monthly articles livestock markets with an emphasis on cattle and beef.