Agricultural Policy

Exten Assoc Professor
Agricultural Economics
Extension Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics
Lubben’s research and teaching includes agricultural policy and the U.S. farm program. He also works with ag producers on risk management and marketing decisions.


Lubben is an expert in federal agricultural and trade policy. He closely follows U.S. farm programs and can provide in-depth analysis of payments, projections and risk management strategies.
Agricultural Economics


Wes Peterson teaches courses in world food economics, agricultural development in low-income countries, and international agricultural trade. His research interests are in agricultural trade, economic development, and public policy. Peterson has recently made presentations on the economic implications of Brexit, trade wars, and the market facilitation program (a government program designed to compensate farmers for the negative impacts of Trump’s trade war with China). He is a fellow at the Yeutter Institute at UNL which is a collaboration between agricultural economics, economics (College Of Business), and the Law School that connects academic disciplines related to law, business and agriculture to prepare students for leadership roles in international trade and finance, support interdisciplinary research and increase public understanding of these issues.