June 20, 2023

Writing Center open and taking appointments during summer term

The Writing Center is hiring Writing Consultants for the 2022-2023 academic year. Students from all majors are encouraged to apply and attend an informational session Feb. 15 or Feb. 17.

The Writing Center is open and available to all University of Nebraska–Lincoln writers.

From June 5-July 28, anyone is invited to schedule free appointments to work one-on-one with a writing consultant. The center offers both online and in-person appointment options.

The consultants are experienced writers who can support you on any type of writing.

Examples of past projects:

  • Applications to graduate school, internships, scholarships or professional programs

  • Dissertations and theses

  • Writing for summer classes such as essays, lab reports, reflections or discussion posts

  • Academic articles from any discipline

  • Course materials like syllabi or assignment descriptions

  • High-stakes emails

  • Creative writing and personal projects

The Writing Center consultants can work with writers at any stage of a writing project. Whether people would like some support polishing a final draft, turning a pile of notes into an outline or even brainstorming possible topics to write about, the Writing Center helps.

Schedule an appointment to meet with a writing consultant here.

For questions, email writingcenter@unl.edu.

Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, staff or faculty members are also welcome to join a writing accountability group.

If interested in writing in a community at a set time every week this summer, email Emma Catherine Perry, associate director, at ecp@unl.edu for more information.