Applications are now open for a new workshop offering from the Chancellor’s Environment, Sustainability and Resilience Commission and the Center for Transformative Teaching. The new workshop series, “Infusion of Sustainability and Resilience into Curriculum,” is open to 20 faculty members.
Applications are due Jan. 22, and interested faculty members must commit to attending workshops on Jan. 28, Feb. 18, March 18, April 15, and one date in May, which is to be determined.
Participants will use the four monthly, two-hour workshops to create curricular materials that will include assessment rubrics. These materials will be deployed in courses during the fall 2022 semester. At the end of the fall semester, the group will convene to present the outcomes from their activities. Products from these modules will be featured in Nebraska Today and archived in the Digital Commons and made available to the community through the Chancellor’s Environment, Sustainability and Resilience Commission. This workshop is part of the ongoing activities of the commission.
The goals of the new workshop series are:
Increase sustainability and resilience literacy among UNL students.
Connect students and faculty to social issues at the local to international levels.
Create a community of faculty who have an improved knowledge and awareness of sustainability, resilience, DEI, and social justice issues.
Create work, learning, and service environments that promotes a mindset that every student can reach their full potential.
The primary outcome of the program will be an activity, unit, or module that incorporates sustainability and DEI competencies into a discipline-specific current course plan during the 2022-23 academic year. Another important outcome will be the expansion of a community of faculty who have knowledge and awareness of sustainability and resilience that can be shared with others.
To apply for the workshop series, send the following by Jan. 22 to Dave Gosselin at dgosselin2@unl.edu, director of the UNL Sustainability Initiative:
Statement of interest in the workshop;
A paragraph that outlines teaching experience;
Class(es) that you plan to use the module in.
For more information, including a complete overview of the project and workshop offerings, click here.