Steven Cain and Eric French will facilitate the workshop “How to Excel at Teaching in 1,317 Easy Steps,” a new professional development workshop open to all university lecturers. The presentation will share best practices for increasing teaching effectiveness and improving the student experience.
During the workshop, participants will have an opportunity to think through ways to address challenges they personally face in the classroom and to share strategies they have found to be successful.
The workshop is 3:30 to 5 p.m. March 4 in Howard L. Hawks Hall, Room 111. Registration is required.
“Lecturers have an important role teaching our students at Nebraska,” said Susan Swearer, director of faculty development for the executive vice chancellor’s office and Willa Cather professor of educational psychology. “I’m excited to provide professional development programming specifically for them.”
Cain and French are both instructional designers for the Center for Transformative Teaching and primarily support faculty in the College of Business. Cain specializes in student-centered pedagogy, online instruction and soliciting and using feedback from students. French specializes in high-enrollment teaching, leading effective class discussions and training teaching assistants.