Chad Brassil, faculty director for undergraduate analytics, will lead the Zoom workshop “Seeing Equity: Undergraduate Success in Departments and Programs” from 10-11:30 a.m. Jan. 13.
The presentation will guide departments and instructors on interpreting data and analysis on equity within their classrooms. In particular, equity in race and ethnicity will be highlighted, but first generation and gender will be examined, as well.
By the end of the workshop, participants will know how to access equity metrics across their majors within classrooms and will be able to place those metrics within the context of equity at the university and within higher education. In addition, participants will learn about the resources available on campus by which they can work toward equity in undergraduate programs.
Departmental leaders, department and college curriculum committee members, diversity committee members and all instructors interested in advancing equity in their classrooms can register online to attend.
The workshop is sponsored by the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor.