November 9, 2021

Visiting professor, author to discuss Islamophobia

Photo of Khaled Beydoun


Khaled Beydoun, acclaimed author and law professor at Detroit’s Wayne State University, will discuss “Islamophobia: The Myths, Roots, and Rise” at noon Nov. 12 at the University of Nebraska College of Law.

The lecture is intended to humanize the experience of Muslims during the War on Terror, describe the legal architecture/ legal framework of Islamophobia in America, bring attention to the distinct form of injury experienced by Muslims, and demystify stereotypes.

Beydoun’s research examines the legal construction of Arab and Muslim American identity, the foundational and modern development of Islamophobia and the intersection of national security policy, civil liberties, and citizenship. Beydoun is a leading public intellectual on Islamophobia, in the United States and abroad, and other matters relevant to policing and profiling of Muslim populations. He is the author of “American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear.” Since 2019, Beydoun has annually been included on the list of the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World.

Beydoun’s lecture is presented by the Muslim Law Students Association.

The event is free and open to the public. This program has been approved for one continuing legal education credit in Nebraska. Attorneys requesting credit and those attending remotely should register here.