UNL officials have forged a new partnership with Indonesia’s Yogyakarta State University.
Chancellor Harvey Perlman and Yogyakarta’s rector (president) Rochmat Wahab signed a memorandum of understanding in a June 2 ceremony in Canfield Administration Building. The agreement calls for creating a partnership and exchanges between the two universities.
Tom Farrell, senior adviser to the chancellor for international affairs, said Yogyakarta administrators are interested in exploring partnerships in science and math education, teacher development in math and science pedagogy, and in textiles and fashion design.
YSU is a state university established in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 1964. It offers seven undergraduate colleges and one graduate program. Enrollment, as of November 2013, is more than 32,500 students.
The agreement grew from a visit by Farrell and David Wilson, UNL’s senior international officer, to YSU in March.
Farrell said the agreement is an opportunity to partner with an international institution that shares research in areas important to Nebraska, including agriculture, natural resources, and science and technology.
Also attending the signing from YSU was Suwarsih Madya, vice rector for cooperation affairs, and Djemari Mardapi, a professor focused on higher education assessment and quality assurance.