October 10, 2014

UNL seeks to hire 50 new tenure-track faculty

UNL expects to hire 50 new tenure-track faculty in priority academic areas across the university beginning in the next year.

The initiative, which was announced Oct. 2 during Chancellor Harvey Perlman’s State of the University address, would include new faculty in the College of Engineering, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business Administration, the College of Education and Human Sciences and the new college that is being created from the existing colleges of art and architecture.

“This hiring initiative will take advantage of every opportunity to enhance the wide-ranging mission of our comprehensive research university,” said Ellen Weissinger, senior vice chancellor for academic affairs. “Our goal is to expand areas with increasing research opportunities as well as those that are of special interest to contemporary students.”

Details of the plan include:

  • Using Programs in Excellence funding from the University of Nebraska system to hire 17 new faculty members in the College of Engineering, including several senior hires.

  • Using the Academic Affairs Signature Program Initiative to fund 15 new positions in the College of Arts and Sciences to support the study of virology; brain, biology and behavior; integrative imaging research; and software engineering.

  • Funding from Academic Affairs and the College of Education and Human Sciences to hire five positions in early childhood research, including one senior hire.

  • Increasing faculty by eight new tenure-track positions in the College of Business Administration in recognition of the significant enrollment and reputational gains, as well as to begin increasing faculty in anticipation of the college’s new building.

  • Hiring one senior faculty member with expertise in rural community planning, who will reside in the new college combining the colleges of fine and performing arts and architecture.