Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland star in “The Leisure Seeker,” a film about a couple’s unforgettable journey opening April 6 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
“The Leisure Seeker,” shows at the Ross through April 12. Continuing to show for a second week is “The Death of Stalin.”
“The Leisure Seeker” tells the story of a couple traveling from Boston to the Ernest Hemingway home in Key West, Florida. During the journey, the couple recaptures their passion for life and love for each other.
The film is rated R for some sexual material.
“The Death of Stalin” is a comedy of terrors set in Moscow in 1953 after tyrannical dictator Joseph Stalin drops dead. The film explores the frantic power struggle of Stalin’s parasitic cronies squaring off to be the next leader of the Soviet Union.
The contenders include the dweeby Georgy Malenkov (played by Jeffrey Tambor), the wily Nikita Khrushchev (Steve Buscemi) and the sadistic secret police chief Lavrentiv Beria (Simon Russell Beale). As this trio bumbles, brawls and backstabs their way to the top, viewers are left wondering just who is running the great Soviet government.
Directed by Arnando Iannucci, “The Death of Stalin” is rated R for language throughout, violence and some sexual references.
Show times are available online, by consulting the newspaper or by calling the 402-472-5353.