October 11, 2019

Stress, aging are focus of UNOPA workshop

Richard Dienstbier, emeritus professor of psychology, will deliver a UNOPA workshop on Oct. 22.

Richard Dienstbier, emeritus professor of psychology, will deliver a UNOPA workshop on Oct. 22.

Richard Dienstbier, emeritus professor of psychology, will deliver a University of Nebraska Office Professionals Association workshop, 1:30 to 4 p.m. Oct. 22 in the Nebraska Union’s Platte River Room.

Chronic stress and aging leads to mental and emotional deficits by damaging the brain. Dienstbier will discuss how to prevent and even overcome that damage by regularly embracing activities that toughen us. Toughening activities include both mental challenges and physical exercise, staying engaged socially, meditating and even affectionate activities. Regularly engaging in those toughening activities will activate some genes and deactivate others.

Those genetic modifications enhance some important brain structures, and those neural developments lead, in turn, to some positive benefits including emotional stability, enhanced energy, efficient cognitive functions and even self-control. Although based on modern scientific research, the lecture is designed to be understandable for non-scientists.

The UNOPA event is free and open to the public. Register online or contact Lorraine Moon at lmoon1@unl.edu.