Nominations are being accepted for individuals to serve on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Staff Senate.
The body, which represents and advocates for all staff employees, is tasked with providing input and guidance on relevant issues to university leaders. The senate includes 53 voting members, representing specific areas of the campus community, and four ex-officio, non-voting members from the NU system.
Senators represent one of seven “districts” defined by the university’s overall organization. The districts are: Academic Colleges; Business and Finance; Chancellor; Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Other Executive Vice Chancellor; Research; and Student Affairs. The number of senators was determined by the size of each district — starting with two representatives for the first 100 employees, then adding one for each subsequent 100 employees.
Senators will serve three-year terms beginning in July 2024. This differs from the initial group of senators who are serving staggered terms of one, two, or three years. This arrangement ensures continuity moving forward, as each year one-third of senate seats will be up for reelection. For 2024, there are 19 seats up for election with each district having between one and four openings.
Senate meetings are held for 90 minutes every other month, in person and via zoom. Senators also serves on a subcommittee that meets outside the full senate meetings. Frequency of committee meetings varies and is determined by the committee. Senators should expect some additional time commitment outside of meetings depending on senate and committee needs.
Staff who meet senate requirements are expected to work with their supervisors to seek permission to participate. Staff participating will not be compensated monetarily. Service on behalf of the Staff Senate is considered as being performed at the request of the chancellor and is considered time worked.
Nominations will be accepted through 5 p.m. Feb. 9.
Each district’s members will receive a ballot to vote for their representatives in March. Elected senators begin their three-year term in July.
Complete details about the Staff Senate, including nomination form, current senator information, and meeting times, are available online.