March 15, 2018

Search for associate vice chancellor, dean of graduate education begins

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor seeks applications and nominations for the position of associate vice chancellor and dean of graduate education.

A 10-member committee made up of faculty, staff and students has been formed to guide the search.

Katherine Ankerson

The group is chaired by Katherine Ankerson, dean of the College of Architecture and professor of interior design. Committee members include Rick Bevins, chair and Willa Cather Professor of Psychology; Sabrina Brown, doctoral student in Earth and atmospheric sciences and Graduate Student Assembly representative; Ryan Christy, master of business administration student; Jennifer Clarke, director and professor of food science and technology; Heriberto Cerutti, professor of biological sciences; Ray Hames, professor of anthropology and Faculty Senate representative; Hollie Swanson, doctoral programs coordinator in the Office of Graduate Studies; Julia Torquati, professor of child, youth and family studies; and Lily Wang, associate dean and professor of architectural engineering and construction.

The associate vice chancellor and dean of graduate education is the chief academic and administrative officer for graduate education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The position is responsible for leading and coordinating all aspects of graduate education and working with graduate programs to implement policies that support the recruitment, academic achievement and resourcing of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The AVC/dean reports directly to the executive vice chancellor and chief academic officer. It is a 12-month position.

The search is limited to tenured full professors and senior associate professors at Nebraska. To be considered, applicants must complete the Faculty/Academic Administrative Information form and attach a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and names and contact information for three professional references here. Nominations and questions should be sent to Ankerson at The search committee will begin reviewing applications April 11.

Learn more about the search.