The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has launched a national search to select its next associate vice chancellor for academic services and enrollment management. The search committee will be chaired by Tammy Beck, associate dean for the College of Business, and assisted by Amy Crutchfield, a consultant for WittKieffer search firm.
Committee members include Steve Booton, university registrar; Kathy Castle, associate professor of practice, Communication Studies; Pete Eklund, professor, Music; Tim Ernst, school counselor, Lincoln Southwest High School; Nicole Frerichs, assistant dean, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources; Nkenge Friday, assistant vice chancellor, Diversity and Inclusion; Emily Griffin Overocker, senior director of student services, Engineering; Isaiah Kluver, undergraduate student; Dennis Leblanc, executive associate athletic director; LJ McElravy, interim associate dean, Graduate Studies; Emily Parker, graduate student; Anna Plank, assistant director, Scholarships and Financial Aid; and Tyler Thomas, senior director of integrated content, University Communication.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit nominations directly to WittKieffer at UNL_AVC@wittkieffer.com. Nominations should include the nominee’s name, institutional affiliation and contact information.
Additional information will be available on the search webpage starting Jan. 27.