The research and creative activity of University of Nebraska–Lincoln students will be featured during the 2019 Spring Research Fair, April 15-16.
The fair’s multi-day lineup includes poster presentations that allow students to discuss their scholarly work with members of the campus community, public and state legislators. The poster sessions:
Undergraduates, 10:30 a.m. to noon, April 15, Nebraska Union;
Graduate students, 3:30 to 5 p.m., April 15, Nebraska Union;
Senator session, 8 to 9 a.m., April 16, Ferguson House, 700 S. 16th St.
“The Spring Research Fair allows our students the opportunity to showcase their hard work and accomplishments from the past year and be recognized for their knowledge and expertise in their research specialty,” said Justina Clark, director of undergraduate research. “It also helps prepare students for regional, national and international conferences, where they will go to share their important research and creative activity at Nebraska.”

Both the undergraduate and graduate student poster sessions and creative activity displays are in the Nebraska Union’s Centennial Room, Ballroom and Regency Suite. The undergraduate session will include 267 students presenting on 221 projects, while the graduate student event will highlight 200 posters by 216 researchers.
The poster presentations for state senators will feature 47 students presenting their work. This is the third year Huskers have interacted directly with state senators.
Other spring research fair events, all on April 15 and open to undergraduate and graduate students, include:
A lunch presentation, “Intellectual Property Protection: What Researchers Need to Know,” by Jessica Lewis, an intellectual property attorney from Quarles and Brady;
Workshop, “Getting Published: From Dissertation to Book,” led by Bridget Barry, University of Nebraska Press; and
Presentation, “Responsible Conduct of Research: Scientific Investigation with Integrity.”
The Nebraska Research Fair is a biannual event sponsored by the Office of Research and Economic Development in cooperation with campus partners. It is organized by Clark and Lisa Rohde, associate director of graduate student development.
The university also hosts a fall research fair, which focuses on faculty and postdoctoral work. All poster sessions and creative activity displays presented during the University of Nebraska–Lincoln research fairs are free and open to the public.
Learn more about the Nebraska Research Fair.