Registration is open for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s fifth annual State of Diversity, which is hosted by the Office for Diversity and Inclusion.
The event will be held in two parts this year. Part one is in-person only, from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Nebraska Union Ballroom and will provide the campus community with critical diversity updates and highlight achievements in inclusive excellence at Nebraska.
Part two, a panel conversation titled “Inclusive Futurism: The Future of Inclusive Excellence,” will be offered in a hybrid format at 11:15 a.m. in the Swanson Auditorium or over Zoom.
To attend either or both sessions, registration is required. The in-person experience will be limited to 300 individuals while live-streaming will be made available to all registrants with university credentials the morning of the event.
The panel discussion will be moderated by Marco Barker, vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion at Nebraska, with panelists Debra Schrampfer, assistant vice president and chief diversity officer in workforce resources at Union Pacific; Jasmine Kingsley, chief people and legal officer for Hudl; and Carlos Terrazas, disability inclusion/accessibility professional with McDonald’s Corporation.
Since 2019, the State of Diversity has provided historical and key data points, reporting and measurements of the university’s progress toward inclusive excellence.