With generous supporters of the literary arts, Prairie Schooner was able to award 13 writing prizes totaling $8,250 for work published by established and emerging writers in the previous year’s editions.
Hamza Rehman received the $2,000 Lawrence Foundation Award for the best short story published in Prairie Schooner for “The Interpreter,” published in the Spring 2023 issue. This prize is made possible by the Lawrence Foundation of New York City and its late director, Leonard S. Bernstein.
The winner of the $1,500 Glenna Luschei Prairie Schooner Award was Sharon Olds for five poems published in the Spring 2023 issue. This award is made possible by the generosity of poet, publisher and philanthropist Glenna Luschei.
The $1,000 Virginia Faulkner Award for Excellence in Writing award was given to Louisa Adjoa Parker for the story, “Into the Woods,” published in the Fall 2023 issue. The Faulkner Award is supported by charitable contributions to honor Virginia Faulkner, former editor-in-chief of the University of Nebraska Press and Schooner fiction editor.
Adrienne Su won the 2023 Edward Stanley Award of $1,000 for three poems published in the Fall 2023 issue. This award is made possible through charitable contributions from the family of Edward Stanley, a member of the committee that founded Prairie Schooner in 1926.
The 2023 winner of the $500 Bernice Slote Award for the best work by a beginning writer was Sarah Jordan for her poem, “Verdigris,” published in the Summer 2023 issue. The Slote Award is supported by the estate of Bernice Slote, who worked as a Prairie Schooner editor from 1963-1980.
The Annual Prairie Schooner Strousse Award of $500 for the best poem or group of poems published was awarded to Kenzie Allen for three poems featured in the Winter 2023 issue. The Strousse Award is given in honor of Flora Strousse.
Abayomi Animashaun won the 2023 Hugh J. Luke Award of $250 for three poems published in the Winter 2023 issue. The Hugh J. Luke Award was established in memory of Prairie Schooner’s editor from 1980 through 1987.
The $250 Jane Geske Award was given to Tiana Clark for her essay, “Black Body Abroad,” featured in the Summer 2023 issue. This award is provided by Norman Geske in honor of his wife, Jane Geske, a lifelong supporter of Nebraska’s literary arts.
Five writers were awarded annual Glenna Luschei Prairie Schooner Awards for $250 each:
• Jay Bernard for the essay “from Prevalent as Petunias” in Fall 2023
• Brett Beach for the story “Opening Up” in Fall 2023
• Jacob Ross for the story “All the Fire” in Fall 2023
• Nii Ayikwei Parkes for the essay “Mauve Is a Song Worth Singing” in Fall 2023
• Lauren Camp for two poems in Fall 2023
These awards are made possible through the generosity of Glenna Luschei.
Prairie Schooner is published with support from the University of Nebraska Press, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of English and its Creative Writing Program and the Glenna Luschei Endowed Editorship and Fund for Excellence at Prairie Schooner at the University of Nebraska Foundation. Subscriptions may be ordered by visiting the Prairie Schooner website. You can also follow Prairie Schooner on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Prairie Schooner welcomes and appreciates gifts in support of its annual prizes. Visit the Nebraska Foundation website here or here to make a donation.