The University of Nebraska–Lincoln is moving forward with plans to hold in-person instruction during the fall semester.
The announcement, made by Chancellor Ronnie Green, mirrors a University of Nebraska-system message, both of which were delivered April 24. Due to the threat of COVID-19, all spring semester university classes transitioned to remote teaching on March 30. All summer courses will also be taught via remote instruction.
“This spring, the changes brought by COVID-19 came rapidly,” Green said. “Re-opening our physical campus for the fall semester will be much more layered, more nuanced and more complex.
The good news is we have three months to tap the intellectual capacity and ingenuity of our campus. We have already seen so much innovation as members of our community have adapted to new realities. We want to continue to capture that for our future.”
Due to the unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the university will approach the fall semester with caution and a focus on public safety. All decisions will be guided by well-informed science and the university’s commitment to the campus and external communities.
“Will every class be taught in-person or every person be required to physically attend a course in order to participate? No,” Green said. “Classes will be structured and taught in a manner that can be done safely. The traditional settings for classes may shift as we take the need for social distancing into account.”
The university will also have to consider curricula adjustments and recognize that some students, faculty and staff will be more vulnerable to COVID-19.
“As we make our plans for fall, we will take considerations into account to help ensure that success and safety of everyone in our community,” Green said.
The chancellor has charged the COVID-19 task force to lead the transition toward in-person instruction for the fall semester. It will also examine creative ways for the university to meet its education, research and engagement missions.
“We are committed to success, and there will be much more to come as specific details are determined. We also know that COVID-19 can be unpredictable, and we will need to be nimble and incorporate flexibility to our plans to return to in-person education.
“We are Nebraska. We find ways to figure it out and get it done. And I believe we will continue to find ways to thrive in times of challenge.”