Kim Taylor, collections manager at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum, uses a microscope to check for bugs stuck to a specialized trap on Aug. 1.
Taylor said the sticky traps are placed around the museum and are checked once a month to track pests and help protect the museum’s quilt collection from insect damage. She said it is rare to find problem insects — primarily carpet beetles and wool moths. However, if textile-munching insects are found, Taylor contacts UNL specialists who respond immediately to control the pests.
Taylor said the August trap check was clear of problem insects.
The International Quilt Study Center and Museum houses the world’s largest publicly held quilt collection with more than 4,000 quilts and related materials from more than 25 countries. The museum is part of UNL’s Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design in the College of Education and Human Sciences.
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