December 2, 2022

'Parting' shot

Photo of the Week

Cole Kalkowski
Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing

Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing

Cole Kalkowski, a senior in mechanical engineering and member of the Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program, holds his future — a pair of calipers — in his left hand and his passion — an “exploded” digital camera — in his right.

Craig Chandler, director of photography at University Communication and Marketing, found an irreparable single-lens reflex camera from a local repair shop — then “tore it down into as many parts as I could.” In his studio, Chandler shot a photo of Kalkowski holding the camera’s core and, separately, photos of its remaining individual pieces. In Photoshop, he combined and arranged the images into the final composition. His efforts earned Chandler first place in a monthly photo contest coordinated by the University Photographers’ Association of America.

Close-up of the deconstructed camera in Craig Chandler's award-winning photo.
Craig Chandler | University Communication and Marketing
Close-up of the "exploded' digital camera in Cole Kalkowski's Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program photo.

Social media photos of the week

Did you know that University Communication offers an ever-expanding digital photo archive? Learn more about campus images and how to access them.