Chigozie Obioma, assistant professor of English at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and internationally recognized author, was interviewed about literature and the literary life for The New York Times’ By the Book feature on Jan. 3.
Among other things, the Nigeria native discussed the last great book he read (Jean-Dominique Bauby’s “The Divining Bell and the Butterfly”), a classic novel that he recently read for the first time (Kazuo Ishiguro’s “The Remains of the Day”), what moves him most in a work of literature (language), which three authors — living or dead — he would invite to a literary dinner party (Chinua Achebe, John Milton and Jennifer Clement), which genres he enjoys reading (a wide variety) and which he tends to avoid (fictional works “in which plot isn’t a function of character but the reverse”).
Obioma’s debut novel, “The Fishermen,” made the 2015 Man Booker Prize shortlist. His latest novel, “An Orchestra of Minorities,” will be released Jan. 8.
He will read from his new book and participate in a discussion Jan. 8 at the Johnny Carson Theatre, beginning at 5:30 p.m. A book signing and reception will follow in the Lied Commons. Learn more.
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