Nebraska Today will transition to its fall/spring semester publication schedule starting Aug. 19.
The Nebraska Today electronic newsletter will be distributed Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the fall and spring semesters. During the summer months, it appears in campus inboxes on Tuesdays and Fridays.
The Nebraska Today website returns with daily news updates Aug. 19.
Faculty, staff and students can submit stories to be considered for Nebraska Today online by logging in to the Announce system with university username/password combinations.
Faculty and staff are automatically subscribed to the Nebraska Today e-newsletter. Students, emeriti, alumni and the public can subscribe to the publication online.
Oversight of Nebraska Today is provided by the University Communication internal communication team. Members of that team include:
Troy Fedderson, director of internal communication, who oversees and edits the Nebraska Today homepage and its electronic newsletter. He also writes and edits news releases; and works with faculty, staff, administrators, campus communicators and others to report stories of interest for campus as well as external audiences. Contact him at 402-472-8515 or tfedderson@unl.edu.
Deann Gayman, social sciences and humanities writer/editor, covers social sciences and the humanities, including research, scholarly activity, faculty and student innovation and achievement in the areas of political science, psychology, communications studies, history, classics, philosophy, English and associated centers and departments. Reach her at 402-472-8320 or deann.gayman@unl.edu.
Scott Schrage, science writer/editor, covers research, scholarly activity, faculty and student innovation and achievement in the natural sciences, engineering and associated centers and departments. Reach him at 402-472-4206 or sschrage2@unl.edu.
Lindsey Amen, associate copy writer, covers student news and achievements, staff and faculty success, general assignments across all academic units, and assists with the editing and publication schedule for Nebraska Today. Reach her at 402-472-5299 or lamen5@unl.edu.
The news team reports to Deb Fiddelke, chief communication and marketing officer for the university.
For more information about submitting news items or subscribing to Nebraska Today, contact Troy Fedderson.