September 11, 2017

Nebraska Extension offers nonprofit board boot camps

Vernon Waldren, extension educator emeritus, leads a nonprofit board boot camp in Tekamah in 2016. Nebraska Extension is partnering with the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands to offer the boot camps across the state this fall.
Jessica Jones | Nebraska Extension

Jessica Jones | Nebraska Extension
Vernon Waldren, extension educator emeritus, leads a nonprofit board boot camp in Tekamah in 2016. Nebraska Extension is partnering with the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands to offer the boot camps across the state this fall.

Nebraska Extension and the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands are partnering to provide nonprofit board boot camps throughout Nebraska this fall.

Vernon Waldren, extension educator emeritus, and Daniel Walsh, program director of the nonprofit association, will provide the latest information board members need to know to keep their nonprofit organizations compliant and operating smoothly. They will discuss mission and vision, board structure, engagement, finance and compliance.

Boot camps will be held in:

  • Holdrege, Sept. 19, Phelps County Ag Center, 1308 Second St.

  • Fairbury, Sept. 20, Jefferson County Fairgrounds, 56885 PWF Road.

  • Ithaca, Oct. 5, August N. Christenson Research and Education Building, 1071 County Road G.

  • Ainsworth, Oct. 24, Ainsworth Evangelical Free Church Fellowship Hall, 87804 Bumblebee Road.

  • Broken Bow, Oct. 25, Broken Bow Country Club, 2280 Memorial Drive.

The boot camps are from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. and include dinner. Registration is $125 per person, or nonprofits can send up to three board members for $200 or up to six board members for $300. Registration is available here. The deadline is seven days prior to each boot camp.

For more information, contact Carroll Welte at or the Burt County Extension Office, 402-374-2929; or Jessica Jones at or the Johnson County Extension Office, 402-335-3669.