The Beinecke Scholarship Program added the University of Nebraska–Lincoln for the first time to its list of eligible participating institutions.
Husker undergraduates majoring in the arts, social sciences and the humanities can apply for the scholarship. Beinecke scholars receive $4,000 entering graduate school, with an additional $30,000 while attending graduate school.
Each year up to 20 Beinecke scholarships are awarded nationally. Each of the 136 schools invited to participate are permitted to make a single nomination each year.
To be eligible, Huskers must be in their junior year, plan to continue full-time undergraduate study, expect to receive a baccalaureate degree between December 2019 and August 2020, and have the intellectual ability and academic background to pursue graduate study in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Eligible students must also have a documented history of receiving need-based financial aid as undergraduates.
Nominations for the 2018-19 academic year should contact Laura Damuth, director of national and international fellowships, at ldamuth1@unl.edu.
The campus deadline to apply for the Beinecke Scholarship is Nov. 15. The selection process occurs in early December with final submission due in mid-February.