The latest exhibit on view at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Robert Hillestad Gallery on East Campus offers a glimpse into the future of contemporary fibers by presenting the very best work being made by students in the field today. Future Tense, a juried exhibition, is on display in the gallery through April 23.
The gallery partnered with the Surface Design Association to host the exhibition. SDA is a national organization for artists and designers working in fiber art, textiles and printed media. Future Tense was juried by Natalie Baxter. Her work has been exhibited internationally in galleries, museums, universities and fairs, with recent shows at Denny Dimin Gallery in both New York and Hong Kong. Over 300 works were entered with a selection of 21 being shown in the gallery.
A virtual opening in partnership with SDA and Studio Art Quilt Associates will be held at 1 p.m. March 29. During the event, award winners will be announced and they will give a short description of their work. Register here to join the opening.
The Hillestad Gallery is part of the Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design in the College of Education and Human Sciences. The gallery is located on the second floor of the Gwendolyn A. Newkirk Human Sciences Building, and is open to the public 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays.