The Glenn Korff School of Music’s Moran Woodwind Quintet will perform a concert, “20th-Century Gems,” at 7:30 p.m. March 27 in Westbrook Music Building, Room 119.
The concert is free and open to the public. The concert will also be live webcast. Visit https://music.unl.edu/webcasts the day of the performance for the link.
“After a COVID delay of almost two years, the Moran Woodwind Quintet is excited to be performing live together,” said John Bailey, Richard H. Larson Distinguished Professor of music (flute). “We have chosen a varied program that contains an old standard (by Jacques Ibert); a work new to us (by Eric Ewazen); a piece by (Theodor) Blumer, whose music we are known for, having recorded all of his woodwind quintets on three CDs; and a short, fun ending piece (by Anthony Plog), set to poems of humorist Ogden Nash. The intimate space of Westbrook Recital Hall lets the audience really get close to the action — and interaction.”
One of the most active and visible quintets in the Midwest, the Moran Woodwind Quintet is the resident faculty woodwind group of the Glenn Korff School of Music. In addition to Bailey, the quintet includes Diane Barger, professor of clarinet; Nathan Koch, assistant professor of bassoon; Alan Mattingly, professor of horn and assistant director; and William McMullen, professor of oboe.
The program includes Ibert’s “Trois Pièces Brèves,” Ewazen’s “Roaring Fork,” Blumer’s Schweizer Quintet and Plog’s “Animal Ditties VI.”
The Moran Woodwind Quintet has recorded all of the wind quintets and two sextets by Blumer (1881-1964), who wrote numerous chamber works for winds in a lush, Romantic style reminiscent of Richard Strauss.
Formed in 1986 and named for the late John Moran, a former director of the university’s School of Music, the quintet has toured extensively and recorded on Crystal Records and the Coronet label.